Traditional Irish Music Session
Jeden Sonntag vom 09.05, 19:00 Uhr
The Session is an integral part of Irish culture. Throughout past centuries music, dance and song have been used by Irish people to socialise. Generations of Irish people came together not only to play music, but also to share news and gossip. We are a proud nation that has held on to these traditions and they are as important to us now as ever before.
Our session takes place every Sunday—at around 7pm in the Celtic Cellar. Call in and experience an evening of pure Irish traditional music, played on instruments such as the bodhrán, uilleann pipes, flute, fiddle, accordion.
Our session takes place every Sunday—at around 7pm in the Celtic Cellar. Call in and experience an evening of pure Irish traditional music, played on instruments such as the bodhrán, uilleann pipes, flute, fiddle, accordion.
As in Ireland, whoever wants to play is welcome. Maybe there will be three musicians, maybe thirty, you never know your luck. Our session has grown over the years, the musicians coming together, not because they are booked to play a pre-arranged gig, but because they love to play music, to exchange tunes, ideas and banter. All of this creates a very enjoyable atmosphere—a real taste of home.
Welcome home Irish Rover session!
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